Friday, May 1, 2009

Exploring Kuala Lumpur!

Hello Everybody!

Taylor's Photographic Society will be having it's first club trip in 2009, next Saturday! Details are as follows :

: Exploring Kuala Lumpur
Date : 9th May 2009, Saturday
Time : 8am till 6pm
Location : Bukit Nanas, KL Tower

Please gather at TUCMC by 8am. A van will be provided for those who does not have their own transport. Those who can drive and are willing to drive to KL please do so and car pool with other members as one van can only fit max 12 people. :D

Oh, the van will be leaving at 8.15am so PLEASE be early and on time. Thanks!

Also, remember to bring some money for breakfast and lunch. Else, you'll starve. :D

This trip is pending for approval by the ECA Center. So hang on tight guys!
The trip has been approved by ECA! Yay!

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